Tracking The Queens Civic Center
May 13, 1915 - Urges Queens Civic Center - T.G. Ellsworth Scores Provincialism
in Borough Planning.
T. Gardner Ellsworth, president of the united civic
association of Queens announces publicly to the sinking fund commission to set
aside $200,000 for locating a site for the Queens Borough Hall
February 10, 1930
Go slow on Queens Center says civics.
Borough president
George U. Harvey presents the strongest opposition to the Nassau boulevard
site for the Queen’s civic center, which will be coming from those
interested in the Elmhurst or Rego Park site.
from all sections of the boroughs and President Harvey are called out to
discuss the matter and announce that actions need to be taken soon based upon
the information on the subject and the entire borough, not just one section
should all stand behind this project.
During the
campaign for a city hospital in Queens, advice and criticism was sought out
from all sections. The campaign commenced in March of 1928, ground broken in
the spring, and two years to get a $350 million proposition across the people
because of the borough hall, courthouse or civic center problem which has been
with us for over ten years, which has gotten nowhere.
James Burke of the
Central Queens allied association discussed and announced from the financial
standpoint that Nassau Boulevard site was the most favorable site from this
H.J. Haarmeyer,
president of the central Queens allied association stated the matter will be
associated on the council meeting on February 25. He also announced the central
queens group working on the establishment of the borough hall in
Jamaica, and that although the Nassau Boulevard site is acceptable,
this site should not be the conclusion, and other sites should be further
researched in Queens.
Samuel S. Toback,
president of the north shore chapter has been in favor of the Elmhurst
site. Jay Wilson Dayton of Bayside and a member of the planning
commission also agrees with the Elmhurst site and mentions "the parental
school site is a wonderful for the north shore but not central for the
rockaways". Charles A Fuchs, president of the college point taxpayer’s
association said " transit is not what it should be in that section. The
Elmhurst site seems better located from that angle".
February 11, 1930
Another proposed Queens civic center.
Flushing architect
W.W. Knowles propose drawings and diagrams of the third Queens civic center
site, which consists of three buildings around a hollow square. It was
submitted to borough president George U. Harvey. It consists of 40 Acres in the
Briarwood Section, fronting Queens Boulevard and Adjoining
Maple Grove Cemetery and Grand Central Parkway.
By this time, the
borough president announced his own choice for a site, two miles away from the
proposed Knowles site which would essentially build on land adjoining the
parental school in flushing.
February 13, 1930
Would link civic center to P.O. project.
The Queens
Boulevard and 97th street site for the proposed queens civic center
was approved by the Woodhaven civic association and a central Queen’s post
office to be established at the Elmhurst site. This site is contingent on and
if a Queens post office is established.
Borough President
Harvey opposed the Elmhurst site who described favoring the erection of a
centralized group of Queens judicial Chambers, near a New York Parental School
site, which was approved and announced late night by the long island real
estate board.
The south Elmhurst
site was proposed by a Jamaica Architect named Benjamin Braunstein who
indicated the city already owned most of the land needed. Opposition soon came
up against this idea and other counter proposal sites arises such as Queens
Boulevard and 137th Street, and the Briarwood section of
February 13, 1930 - Civic Battle on Transit Is Due Tonight.
78 Queens civics organize to discuss plans for
a subway track from the Ridge-wood area, 23rd street
Manhattan, Hillside Avenue, metropolitan avenue, Main Street in Flushing, and
Little Neck through Bayside. Civic leaders expressed fear that the division the
organizations over the selection of a route would cause additional delay in its
February 19, 1930 - Urge King Park for New Queens Civic Center
Borough president Harvey announced at the
meeting in Shepherd Church a recommendation from the central Queens Allied
Civic council for the Kings Park site as a prospective
Civic Center proposal on Jamaica Avenue. The park currently is city property
and incorporated a historic mansion which faces Jamaica Avenue, and would not
be obstructed or demolished during the construction process.
Borough President Harvey Objects to the
existing Queens Sites on Queens Boulevard, Nassau, and Junction Boulevard which
are all city owned land. The objection stems from the amount of fill required.
Initially, the site proposed by the architect
Benjamin Braunstein in briarwood, required very little
infill and is a superior site in centrality, landscaping value, transit, and
highway facilities. But this cannot be accepted as a final option.
Edward W. Stellges Jr., Vice President of the
far Rockaway chamber of commerce and president of the Queen’s civic center
association, announced that the history of Manhattan Island, from the battery
to the Bronx, was a never-ending program of reclamation and filled in land for
city owned properties.
February 20, 1930 - Queens Civics See Cemetery Bill Defeat.
Cemetery bill defeat which would serve as a
wedge for future cemetery land grabs in areas such as Queens.
February 21, 1930 - New Idea to Relieve City Devised by
Jamaica Kings Park Site visualization.
February 25, 1930 - Fight Harvey's Queen Civic Center Plan.
Representatives met at the Jamaica town hall
and voted on a 186 - 90 referendum debating whether people want an actual
Queens civic center. The representatives of the various organizations voiced
their reasons against the Civic center, stating the need for streets, sewers,
and more schools in their communities rather than a civic center.
February 27, 1930 - Schools First, Civic Center Later, Is
Borough planning committee met in the
Queensborough chamber of commerce building. Each advocating for a civic center
Harold M. Lewis, executive engineer of the
regional plan of New York spoke in favor of the Juniper Valley site
which was advocated by the group last week. The Juniper Valley is 117.6 square
miles of territory and the site is accessible because of the various transit
lines which run nearby and is large enough from transit lines to avoid high
land prices.
Discussions continued for the Elmhurst
site by Benjamin Braunstein who drew plans for the site and pointed
out two arterial highways, Queens and Nassau Boulevard and no proposed highways
were necessary in this case. Also, the subway connection currently under
construction from long island city to Jamaica would service the site. The
current land could be acquired at a decent rate, since the city already owned
1/3rd of it and the site would essentially service about 4/5th of Queens
resides, within a five-mile radius.
John J Halleran, commissioner of public works
urges that all parental school sites between Flushing and Jamaica be used for
consideration, and George Burdette Ford of the regional plan association said
all four sites offered were suitable possibilities since they service all four
corners of the borough. He proposed a center from 75-100 acres in area for the
civic center with 10 acres of parking space.
But ultimately, the decision will be left to
the citizens of Queens to decide.
March 1, 1930 - "Queens Civic Center"
The civic committee endorsed on February 14th the suggestion of the civic center being in the geographical center of Queens county on high ground and on grounds owned by the city. As always, it would save 5-6 million dollars which would have to be spent in the proposed civic center in Jamaica or Elmhurst.
March 11, 1930 - Center Site Rally Slated on Thursday
Borough President Harvey goes on record
favoring the parental school site. Although Elmhurst site
is not included, it was still economical and most accessible.
March 12, 1930 - Assails Publicity for Harvey Civic Center
Warning of propaganda being sent out to
Rockaway owners and civic workers of borough president Harvey in favor of
school parental site for a proposed civic center site on Queens
Boulevard, Elmhurst.
March 26, 1930 - City to Shift Center Sites Next Tuesday.
The board of Estimates considers the sites
along any merits of various locations proposed. Borough president Harvey
proposes the four sites: First is Parsons and Nassau Boulevard in Flushing, second
is Queens and Nassau Boulevard in Elmhurst, a third at Queens Boulevard and
Grand Central parkway, and the last is the Jamaica Town Hall site at Parsons
Boulevard and Jamaica Ave.
Jamaica and central Queens Organizations are
fighting to remove the county clerks register and surrogate’s office, as their community
would be the potential designated civic center location and will undergo large delegation
hearings soon. The Queens Civic Center Association is also fighting for the
site at Elmhurst and is expected to have large delegations.
A bill was also passed for a sewer through a
corner of the cedar Grove Cemetery at Flushing.
March 28, 1930 - To tell City of Queens Site for Civic
Meeting of the executive committee of the
Queens civic center association was held in forest hills and the 216
organizations in Queens, on record, voting in favor of the construction of the
Queens Civic Center at the Elmhurst site. They were urged
to communicate with members of the board of estimate.
April 1, 1930 - Queens Civic Center Crowds Jam City Hall
Four Queens communities today held a meeting
with no decision which would essentially propose the build of four municipal
buildings estimated to cost eight million dollars.
All four sites were continuously proposed at
this meeting, those who were the original 4 parental sites by borough president
Harvey and the North Shore Chamber of Commerce. With many arguments being made
between which parental/city owned site is the best suited location.
Major Thomas Downs, President of the St.
Albans Civic association mentions "Queens is not yet ready for a civic
center, it needs streets, paving, sewers, parks and playgrounds first.
April 7, 1930 - Says Elmhurst Center Site Has Historical
Aside from the accessibility and
transportation standpoint of the Elmhurst site, the
Elmhurst site also has a significant historic background which can deem the
site worthy of consideration.
The main Battle of Long Island was fought at
the very site, and a short distance away from the barracks used by the British
and American soldiers before the United States became a republic.
April 9, 1930 - Ask Transit Plans for Queens Center
Roland E. Beneville, spokesman for the ridge
wood delegation said he has little interest in where the civic center is
located, just if the location provides accessibility to all sections of the
borough. He also mentions, the civic center should be their central point of
Queens transit, for it to be reached from all parts of the borough. What needs
to be reviewed, if the proposed subway routes already approved, conform with
some of the ideas being thrown out there.
Borough president Harvey has spoken on the
subject slightly regarding the Elmhurst site, as the
Queens Boulevard Subway which is currently under construction would provide
sufficient transportation.
Jamaica’s argument and plea for their site is based on banking and business buildings now located there and the indication that Jamaica is the true center of the borough. Civic groups there demanded last week the promised civil court buildings and retention of the existing buildings.
April 9, 1930 - Johnson, Queens Engineer, Given Old Moore
Andrew E. Johnson, chief engineer of highways
in Queens, has been advanced in grade by Borough President Harvey.
April 12, 1930 - Civics Continue Plea for Subway on Sutphin
The Queens boulevard subway system has endured
debate and discussion to extend southward along Sutphin Boulevard. But the
board of estimate highly recommends their idea and choice of using the Van Wyck
Boulevard route. Although the argument was proposed that Sutphin will serve
more people than Van Wyck.
April 12, 1930 - 46 New Groups Back Elmhurst Center
Forty-six additional organizations joined the
campaign to have the proposed civic center located at Queens and
Nassau Boulevard, announced by Edward Stellges Jr., president of
the Queens civic center association.
April 14, 1930 - Ask Engineers Group to Study Center Sites
To end the controversy of which site is the
best, Mayor Walker will be asked to name a committee of engineers to co-operate
with the members off the board of estimate in selecting the best suited site
for the Civic center.
April 27, 1930 - Says Queens Civic Center Would Be Saving
to City
Benjamin Braunstein, the architect who
designed the plan for the proposed Queens civic center and is advocating for
the Elmhurst site, stated the civic center would not only
be an economical improvement, but also a means of inspiring the public to
higher aims, better speech and manners and a wholesome respect for law.
May 14, 1930 - Urges Long Island City as Queens Civic
Center Location
Long island city was urged as the site for the Queens civic
center by Ambrose B. Acker at the regular luncheon meeting of the Rotary club
of Queens Borough.
May 14, 1930 - Urges Long Island City as Queens Civic
Center Location
Borough president Harvey surrendered to
demands of Jamaica’s interests that courts at the county and the offices of the
register and county clerk be in Jamaica.
Some time ago, he announced some interest in
the flushing-hillcrest selection in the northern part of Queens on parental
land. But last week, he agreed to the plea of the delegation for the erection
of a courthouse in Jamaica and will house all courts of the state and county
and administrative offices.
Groups back Halleran in the borough presidents
plan in shifting in civic center plans. It was stated "if Jamaica gets
something in the way of a municipal center, Long island city will want a
project included into their neighborhoods as well, which will essentially
evaporate the idea of a civic center.
Harvey states that it is wrong to place the
municipal building in Jamaica, and it should be kept together along with the
Civic center.
April 20, 1931 - Queens Citizens Back Civic Center Site in
Borough president Harvey led the proponents
for the Kissena Boulevard Parental school site between
flushing and Jamaica. Although the Elmhurst site was said to cost four million
and better located, at a geographical standpoint.
October 25, 1931 - Mr. Harvey's Plans
In a public building’s standpoint, for the
civic center, Harvey plans on constructing between flushing and Jamaica, now
owned by the board of education, a 10-story central courthouse in Jamaica to
house all local lower jurisdictions. A new city prison to replace the old
county jail in Long Island City, and a new county court which will have
jurisdiction over all criminal cases.
With the completion of the municipal and magistrate’s
courthouse at rockaway beach, the construction of a children's court at union
hall, Jamaica have been adopted and a new municipal court at Long Island City, a
new municipal court at Elmhurst, and municipal swimming pool in Jamaica.
October 31, 1931- Queensborough Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce plan was organized in 1911
and would continue for 20 years in its plan to promote the general welfare of
the borough of Queens. It is mentioned undoubtedly that rapid transit is the
magic key which will unlock the large, undeveloped areas in Queens and make
them accessible to its residents. With many improvements and advancements in
major highways which also connect in many similar areas where both the subway
will offer connections in relation to where the Civic center can be located.
January 29, 1933- 10 Point Plan for Jamaica’s Gain Launched
A ten-point program of activities for
improvement of Jamaica was announced, and in these plans, included the
potential Civic center for Jamaica through the completion of the federal
Building, armory and the securing of the new courthouse, borough hall and other
public buildings.
November 14, 1933 – Queens Civic Center Stirred Up Again
Harvey secured an eight-million-dollar federal
load to propose the site for the civic center in Jamaica in the program of
public works backed for the federal financing by the Jamaica chamber of
March 9, 1934 – Charges Deal on Civic Center
Borough President George Harvey Challenged
Joseph Rothman, president of the Jamaica lawyer’s association to go before the
grand jury to back up the latter’s charges before the board of estimate on a
tip that the Queens Civic center would be places in north Jamaica.
March 10, 1934 – Harveys Courts Jury Probe on Site Proposal
Borough president and his commissioner remain
firm in their stand today that the city owned parental school property in north
Jamaica to be used for the sire of the proposed Queens Civic center. They
defined it as the most logical and most economical choice that the city could
select. The main issue was the purchasing of lots purposely, by big real estate
people, on the suspicion that the civic center would be located there. About 40
of the most valuable lots were purchased by Janet Grace, including another 150
lots were purchased north of the center site.
March 17, 1934 – Board Views Queens Sites with Harvey
On the 103 acres of parental school sites
between flushing and Jamaica on Kissena boulevard was toured and favored by
officials observing these sites. Because it was city owned, Harvey outlined its
importance and labeled it at potential future growth. Harvey mentioned he would
build a three story, no elevator buildings to comprise five buildings in all. Reason
being, to save for an expensive foundation construction. Harvey mentioned, if a
ten-acre site was elected, then it would be required to build a ten-story
structure. He held that title to the property would revert to heirs of the
original owner if used for any other purpose than educational in accordance
with the will of the donor.
March 31, 1934 – Public Works in the Balance
With Mayor LaGuardia’s proposal of the subway
construction, it mostly brings forward the reasoning of its construction, to
the Queens Civic Center as the prime importance for depending on the federal
government for money. With the required sum of construction amounting to 8 million
dollars for the civic center, the city itself will have to provide the site
since Washington does not lend money for the purchase of land. If there would
have been an agreement by the towns, as to what site to use, it would have been
easier to construct when the city had more money.
April 18, 1935 – Opposition Aroused by Civic Center Pact
County judge Charles and Borough President
George Harvey reached an agreement to support the parental school site in
Flushing-Hillcrest as a location for the Queens Civic Center. Civic leaders
from Queen and Jamaica denounced the agreement because “the center couldn’t be
put in a worse spot than out there in the woods between flushing and Jamaica.”
And the easiest place where this Civic Center might be better suited, would be
in the center of Jamaica for accessibility. At this point, the same six other
sites were still being discussed: Jamaica, Kew Gardens, Elmhurst, Long island
city, and Woodside. Mayor LaGuardia has indicated unless an agreement on a site
is reached within the next few weeks, this will officially be a lost federal
April 23, 1935 – Leaders Again Battling Over Queens Center
With the dispute of the center revived, just
like in the 1930’s, the fight for a site has reoccurred within the borough of
Queens. Harveys plan was to placate opposition from the Jamaica civic center
and place it near a parental site near flushing while a new courthouse could at
the same time be constructed in Jamaica. Since most of the courts are already
located in Jamaica, most of the civic groups took to protesting the decision.
April 25, 1935 – Harveys Choice is Approved at Public
The Parental school property in
Flushing-Hillcrest is the only site borough president Harvey is planning to
recommend to mayor LaGuardia for the civic center after arguing of the
advantages of the sites. Harvey would later announce to confer with the mayor
regarding the proposed 15 million allocation of federal funds to erect the
civic center on the city owned land in flushing hillcrest. Including the
separate court houses being allocated in Jamaica. After many of the constant
disputes, Harvey at one point announced to the mayor if no agreement was
reached on a site, that any federal money which might be allocated to Queens,
be spent for additional high school instead of a civic center. Joseph Coufal
opposed the flushing hillcrest site, as it was far from all main transit
routes, who than announced Kew Gardens as the ideal site.
April 30, 1395 – Parley with Mayor on Center Site Off
Conference between Mayor LaGuardia and County
Judge Charles postponed. Judge Colden to submit a report on civic sentiment in
Queens to place the civic center on grounds near parental school site in
flushing hillcrest and courthouse in Jamaica.
May 1, 1935 – Urge 500 Civic Hears to Vote in Center Row
Civic leaders from many cities in Queens meet
to propose their discussion with Mayor LaGuardia. LaGuardia leaves early from
the meeting, leaving to discuss possibility for Jamaica location.
May 3, 1935 – Rule Park Site Out of Center
Jamaica site has been officially ruled out as
one of the 6 possibilities for a civic center site. By LaGuardia and Judge
May 7, 1935 – Plenty of Dirt Hurled but None Dug from A
Site In 30 Year Fight for a Civic Center
A torchlight parade was held in long island city, in protest for the flushing hillcrest site for the Queens Civic Center. No agreement has been reached on a site, but as been an ongoing issue for over 30 years.
May 23, 1935 – 88 Groups Vote on Center Site
Mayor LaGuardia was advised of the answers
from 88 civic organizations voted to have any site located on the city subway
line. Their tabulations showed that 69 opposed and 19 favored the parental
school site, and 72 are in favor and 16 opposed any site on the city subway
line, and 14 favor and 74 opposed placing the central courts building in one
place, and the civic center in another.
June 28, 1935 – Harvey Claims Mayor Lacks Interest
During an interview when asked regarding his
presentation plans for a 9-million-dollar civic center project, he accused
mayor LaGuardia of showing little interest in the civic center, and Queens
having no chance of getting any civic center at this time.
July 18, 1935 – Leaders of South Shore Groups Confident
Parental Schools Site for Civic Center Killed
South shore civic leaders today are “laughing”
at borough president Harvey, whose parental school site for the 10-million-dollar
Queens Civic Center has been killed off.
**July 20, 1935 – Queens Boulevard Civic Center Asked
A delegation of leading citizens from Queens
called on the controller Frank J. Taylor and urged him to support the selection
of the Civic Center site in Queens, along the New York City subway line. At
this point, the delegates expressed unyielding opposition to selection of a
parental school site which was favored by borough president George Harvey and
urged the choice of a site new Kew Gardens on Queens Boulevard.
August 1, 1935 – Native Born Urge New Center Site
An Astoria branch of the native-born society
in Queens circulates a petition urging Elmhurst to be reconsidered as a site
for the proposed Queens Civic Center site. The petition for this site is being
organized among the north side of Queens, and other proposed campaigns of the
organization include for a police department, erection of traffic lights,
construction of parks and musical concert halls.
September 23, 1935 – ’39 World Fair on Queens Site Gets City’s
With the integration of the World Fair being
planned in Flushing park which comprises 1,003 acres of land, the acquisition
of the remaining land, south of the park (which is made up of 20 acres) near
Kew Gardens, have been reserved in the hopes that the Queensborough Civic Center,
as a group of buildings, will be constructed here. Ideally, this would be the
perfect site to integrate this project, as it will blend admirably with the
park setting and will revert to the city after the fair and command the entire
view of the valley north which is the entire Flushing park.
September 24, 1935 – Worlds Fair Plans Assured of Full Support
The board of estimate announced their stamp of
approval on the project expected to cost around $40 million which will be
invested into development of the park for the Worlds Fair. Anticipated by
Robert Moses, he steps into the picture with the announcement of the
development if the proposed tract of land from Flushing Bay to Kew Gardens,
covering 1,003 acres of land, as Flushing Meadows. The commissioner announces
that 1,100 acres in all probability would be available for the site, but the
city owns 589 acres of that initial total, and Robert Moses declared the
remainder would be procured through condemnation proceedings, predicting the
cost would not be substantial.
Robert Moses describes this location for the World’s
Fair as the “Ideal location and the only place in the city to pick for the
fair”. He suggests the infill to be adopted from the existing ashes located at
Rikers Island, and in areas that did not require infill, can be used as
locations for permanent structures to be built on firm ground. By this, he also
emphasizes the possibility of the establishment of the Queens Civic Center in
the southern part of the tract, adjoining Kew Gardens and Flushing Park.
Borough President Harvey immediately appoints a committee “as quickly as
possible” to secure his and the boroughs, personal interests in the project.
Real estate and business see the potential
realty jump in the area surrounding the Fair site and anticipate the great
demand for business property and costs of all kinds along major motor arteries
leading up to the Worlds Fair. Especially the Queens Boulevard route, Northern
Boulevard, and Grand Central Parkway. A foreseeable boom in the area
financially for modernization and construction.
January 31, 1936 – McAneny Urges Civic Center in Kew Gardens
Area – Views Queens as Enhances Exposition
Visualizing a “Queens Beautiful” as stated by George
McAneny, president of the World’s Fair corporation, announced to the Kew
Gardens board of trade at the Kew Gardens Inn that this project of the Worlds
Fair will enhance the architecture of the city during its initial construction
in 1939 and the aftereffects of architecture brought on by the fair for many
years to come. He states “it is my personal conviction that in the immediate
vicinity of this hill which overlooks the Worlds Fair site, a Civic Center, the
finest in the world, could be developed, either part as the fair program, or as
an aftermath. The permanent Flushing Meadow Park which will remain after the
fair is over, would enhance the beauty of such a center.”
There was little doubt as to the potential of
the World fair, as seen in multiple projections in the cities where it has initially
been held in the past. Seeing substantial economic growth, revitalization and
installation and repairs of major transportation arteries, and construction of
major projects surround these previous World Fair Sites, such as in Chicago.
The Chicago Far stood as an example of what people could do under depression
conditions, and in Queens, it will stand as an example of what people can do
during a time of recovery.
McAneny also cites the plans and improvements
that were already under way, such as the Tri-Borough bridge, Midtown Tunnel,
Queens Boulevard, Northern Boulevard, Astoria Boulevard, and the Grand Central
Parkway extension, and 400 odd acres needed for the site and its rebuilding in
time to permit the erection of the fair buildings.
March 2, 1936 – Politics and People
Joseph F. Coufal, of Forrest Hills, who is
active in more Civic and political organizations, has been leading a movement
to have the Queens Civic Center build in Kew Gardens, overlooking the World’s
Fair site.
March 17, 1936 – Mayor Studies Queens Civic Center Plans
Mayor LaGuardia received a proposal for a
Queens Civic Authority to be created by legislature to select a site which has
been an issue for many years. Joseph F. Coufal of Kew Gardens and Forest Hills
civic works and author of the proposal stated Senator Joseph D. Nunan, was ready to introduce the bill
creating the Authority if it met LaGuardia’s approval.
The bill explained that 3 commissioners would
be selected without pay and would serve and appointed by the mayor. Although
Coufal mentioned it would not be necessary for the commissioners to be
residents of Queens, but he finished by stating it might be better if none of
the three were Queens’s men. Thus, eliminating the substantial town sectional
The entire project could be financed with a $7
million bond issue and need not to interfere with the general courts building
in Jamaica, on which LaGuardia is determined to stat work at once.
At this point, Coufal has been active in the
campaign to have the Civic Center built in Kew Gardens, but he stated today he
would be willing to have the site determined by the members of the proposed
**March 18, 1936 – Just Meddlers Seeking Own Glory, He Says
Borough President Harvey characterized those disrupting
the process as meddlers and obstructionists. Those mainly being civic leaders
who are denying the authorization of the Queens Civic Center authorization on
the 105-acre city owned tract of the parental school site in Jamaica.
Harvey has a particular issue with Coufal
essentially selling the public to the idea of having the Civic Center
constructed on the tract at Queens Boulevard and Grand Central Parkway
(methodology from the World’s Fair integration/opinion) but
rather work for the construction of the project on the 105-acre site already
owned by the city.
With legislation on the authority brought by
the legislation chosen by LaGuardia, is predicted to soon sponsor a site. Mr.
Harvey believed the choice should not be ultimately decided by this authority,
and believes it should be sanctioned by the city, since it is a city enterprise
and non-related to the state.
Ultimately, pointing the finger at Coufal, he
describes him as the meddler and that most of the civics fighting for this
site, just want this to be in their own back yards, while LaGuardia running
with the considering proposal of creating this authority to bring a level
playing field to the decision without bias. Harvey believes Coufal plan is to
deliberately force the selection of the Kew Gardens site. Mr. Coufal originally
retracts his statement made in the March 17th article by saying “he
is willing to forego the selection of the site at the Kew Gardens Tract in
favor of any other the Authority may select”.
With all this undergoing at the time, north
shore areas have been in support of Mr. Harvey in favor of his parental school
site, while south side workers have been in support of Mr. Coufal fight for Kew
July 19, 1936 – News Views
Mayor LaGuardia mentions the purchase of a
site for a new courthouse in Queens. He stated Queens needs a civic center, and
the new courthouse should be part of this center. Instead, located in a part of
Jamaica that is not suitable for such a center.
August 8, 1936 – An Invitation to Mayor LaGuardia
With Mayor LaGuardia looking for a
headquarters next summer, he gets extended a limited accommodation offer in Kew
Gardens, including the run of the house and a 60x100 lot if he “feels the need
for taking a short walk with numerous improvements that are needed for the
April 18, 1937 – An Invitation to Mayor LaGuardia
Mayor LaGuardia recommended giving up the 48
acres and buildings on the old parental school site on Parsons Boulevard on the
rout from Flushing to Jamaica. An appropriation of $434,000 for repairs with
more than a million will be spent on further construction if the board of
estimate approves. The land is spacious and has long been a focus of ambitions
by civic workers, to designate the Civic Center. Or better known as a windy war
over a Queens Civic Center.
The area of the parental school’s tie is said
to be abandoned and contains an additional 55 acres not covered in the
operation plans. It is expected that after the site has completed the route of
transferal to the sinking funds commissioners and to the board of higher
education, the rest will be improved for an elementary or high school.
July 3, 1938 – Proposed Queens Boro Hall to Cost 12 Million
Artist rendered sketch of the proposed Queens
Borough Hall estimating to me 12 million.
December 18, 1938 – Harvey Explains Stand on Civic Center Plan
Harvey explains, under no circumstance will
Queens support the erection of a $1.2 million municipal building in Long Island
City, as proposed by Mr. Dayton. It is highly inadequate and against everything
Borough President Harvey and fought and stood for when it comes to the
construction of the Civic Center and meeting the adequate demands of the
citizens of Queens. He describes the misguided public officials and “narrow
minded” community leaders as being the ones successful inside tracking the
better thinking of most of the Queens Civic jamaWorkers and the initial plans
to locate a Site.
This long fight as attracted the admiration of
leading architects and planning groups across the country, weighting in on
their opinions for a possible site for this Civic Center, that site being
midway between Flushing and Jamaica which was nicknamed as the fastest growing
place in the fasted growing borough in the world.
November 12, 1939 – Queens Residents Back Harvey Plan for Civic
Queens’s residents in Forrest Hills and Kew
Gardens section of the borough are solidly behind Borough President George
Harvey in his decision to locate the new Borough Hall at Kew Gardens, thus
finally ending a controversy which has spanned over 40 years. The present
offices being used in long island city, spanning this long controversy
estimated about $5 Million in the past ten years just spent on rent.
The site selection was decided on a site
planning perspective, since it is overlooking the world’s fair like, the site
was ideal as it is in the center of transportation facilities of the borough.
The subway line passes right by the site and the bus lines converge at the site
of the Civic Center.
The proposed building is estimated to cost $2.34 Million and calls for a two-story frontage on Queens Boulevard and six stories in the rear due to the steep grade towards Flushing Meadow Park. The structure will be a red brick colonial building with limestone trim and could be completed in about a year and a half. The assurance of such a grand geographical decision in the center of Queens, will assure the continuance of the economic growth in the area with new apartment buildings and private homes constructed in the forest hills and Kew gardens area.
November 30, 1939 – Queens Waits City’s O.K. On New Boro Hall
Approval by the Board of Estimate of a 10-Acre
site at Queens Boulevard and Grand Central Parkway and Union Turnpike was being
sought out by Borough president Harvey to promptly send out contracts for the
foundation work. Which could be done by January. Map changes for the initial
site were approved by the city planning commission. The project is set at three
stories high and 600 feet long with an early colonial style and red brick
December 15, 1939 – Greek Style Approved for Queens Boro Hall
Modified Greek revival is the chosen style for
the proposed Queens Borough Hall, approved by the Municipal Art Commission.
January 3, 1940 – Harvey Plans Speedy Action on Boro Hall
Board of estimate approves plans and
authorization of acquisition of land for the new Queens Borough Hall in Kew
Gardens. Plans to transfer borough offices by October 1st was
initiated, the date upon which the lease for the present borough hall in long
island city will expire.
February 2, 1940 – Queens Borough Hall
Board of Estimate concludes resolution,
approving the form of contract and plans for Queens Borough Hall.
February 22, 1940 – City to Sell Realty
The city of NY, through the board of transportation,
will put to auction on March 7, 1940 tin the Real Estate Exchange a block front
located on the north west side of the 78th crescent, between Queens
Boulevard and Grand Central Parkway, opposite of the Queens Civic Center, part
of the unused acreage acquired earlier by the city.
February 25, 1940 – Public Auction of Land
The sale of 86,014 square feet of land
opposite the Civic Center.
March 2, 1940 – Queens Boro Hall Contract Awarded
The Board of Estimate awarded to the contract
of the construction for the new Queens borough hall to the Manhattan firm
O’Driscoll & Grove, Inc. for $856,600 The work must be completed by
December 15, and if delayed, the city will be required to pay more for two
additional months. A total of ten bids were places for this project.
March 1940
July 24, 1940 – $485,000 Award for Queens Site
Awards Totaling $485 for property taken by the
city as a site for the new Queens Borough hall located at 78th
Avenue and Forrest Hills.
August 22, 1940 – The New Queens Boro Hall
Mayor LaGuardia and Borough President Harvey
find themselves in agreement which is news to the city. By now, the Queens Borough
Hall is half completed at 78th Street and Forest hills which they
both declared was a good investment. After 10 years of battling for a site, the
controversy as finally ended.
(NOVEMBER 15, 1940)
December 5, 1940 – 4,000 At Opening of Queens Boro Hall
Queens Boro Hall at the corner of Union
Turnpike and Kew Gardens was formally opened and greeted with more than 4,000
people with a buffet. The structure is a four-story building fronting on Queens
Boulevard, ground was broken in March and completed on November 15.
December 23, 1940 – Plans for Future Seen for Queens in Land Purchase
The city planning commission expressed
approval of the purchase of 17 acres of property at the research of the new
borough hall in Kew Gardens. The land will cost $300,000, but with the purchase
underway, no development work will commence at the present time. But Borough
president Harvey hopes to see the accomplishment of the plans soon.
The move to purchase the land at the time was
to assure the future development of Kew Gardens as the Civic Center of Queens
and because the area in question was being “eyed”.
(Extension for Civic Center, Parking Lot)
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